
Install SkyWay IoT SDK Manually


SkyWay IoT SDK is kind of framework rather than saying libraries. This framework consists of several building blocks as shown below.

iot sdk over view

So you need to install above building blocks on linux based IoT devices, such as raspberry PI.


We will explain how to install SkyWay IoT SDK framework manually on Debian based environment. (We assume that git and node.js version>=6.x are already installed)

Janus Gateway + SkyWay Plugin

sudo aptitude install libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libnice-dev \
        libssl-dev libsrtp-dev libsofia-sip-ua-dev libglib2.0-dev \
        libopus-dev libogg-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev pkg-config gengetopt \
        libtool automake
git clone
cd usrsctp
./configure --prefix=/usr; make; sudo make install
cd ..
git clone --branch v0.2.1
git clone
cd janus-skywayiot-plugin

cd ../janus-gateway
./configure --prefix=/opt/janus --disable-mqtt --disable-rabbitmq --disable-docs --disable-websockets
sudo make install
sudo make configs


Comment out several lines for [gstreamer-sample], [file-live-sample] and [file-ondemand-sample]. Then append example streaming setting shown below (you can check sample configs on this gist)

type = rtp
id = 1
description = SkyWay IoT SDK H264 example streaming
audio = yes
video = yes
audioport = 5002
audiopt = 111
audiortpmap = opus/48000/2
videoport = 5004
videopt = 96
videortpmap = H264/90000
videofmtp = profile-level-id=42c01f\;packetization-mode=1




stun_server =
stun_port = 3478

turn_server =
turn_port = 443
turn_type = tcp
turn_user = siruuser
turn_pwd = s1rUu5ev

Please be sure that you can use our dedicated turn server for demonstration needs. Since current SkyWay TURN feature does not have compatibility with IoT SDK, for developers demonstration convenience, we setupped shared turn server. If you want to use SkyWay IoT SDK for your own purpose, please setup and use your own TURN server. Coturn will be one option to setup your server. Please be sure that we will not guarantee our demonstration TURN server.


npm -g install skyway-signaling-gateway
ssg setup

For obtaining apikey and setting domain of origin, please login or sign up at Our SkyWay dashboard

Streaming Process (gstreamer)

raspbian stretch

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-0 \
      libgstreamer1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-nice gstreamer1.0-plugins-base \
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
      gstreamer1.0-doc gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-omx gstreamer1.0-alsa

ubuntu16.04 or raspbian jessie

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0

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