
API reference - SkyWay IoT Pure API

In SkyWay IoT SDK framework, you can use SkyWay api without any change. So, you can develop your own web app with SkyWay API.

However, several things you have to be care while using pure SkyWay API.

including skyway library

We only support release version of SkyWay library.

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

media stream

before getting media streaming from device, you need to establish data channel with device, then send dedicated message. sample code is like this.

const peer = new Peer({key: MY_APIKEY})

peer.on('open', id => {
  const mypeerid = id
  const conn = peer.connect(PEERID_OF_SSG, {serialization: "none", reliable: true});
  // you can check the peerid of SSG in log message. Or, you can specify peerid of SSG. For more detail please check

  conn.on('open', () => {
    // send media stream request

  // event handler for media stream from device
  peer.on('call', stream => { ... })

When you want to stop media streaming, send SSG:stream/stop message.



To keep WebRTC connection between client and devicee, you need to send keepalive message with data channel every 25 seconds.

setInterval((ev) => {
}, 25000)

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