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Instructions of Command-Line Interface.

    Kuesta supports IaC configuration update via both gNMI and kuesta CLI. kuesta CLI helps you when you would like to manage your configuration repository manually using kuesta, or integrate with CI like GitHub Actions or GitHub Apps.


    Download kuesta CLI as a tarball from the kuesta Releases page. After downloading the tarball, extract it to your PATH:

    # Replace YOUR-DOWNLOADED-FILE with the file path of your own.
    sudo tar xvzf YOUR-DOWNLOADED-FILE -C /usr/local/bin/ kuesta

    Build from source

    If you would like to build kuesta from the source, set up your Go environment using Go 1.18 or higher, and run the following:

    git clone
    cd kuesta
    go build -o kuesta main.go

    Then move built binary to your PATH.


    You can perform an IaC configuration update without using kuesta-server by the following steps:

    1: Clone the GitHub Repository you want to use as the configuration manifest source.

    2: Update service configs.

    3: Add these updated services to git Index.

    4: Run kuesta service apply to perform data mapping from the service config to the device config as follows:

    kuesta service apply -p=<path_to_config_repo_root>

    Data mapping from the service config to the device config will be performed only for git-staged services, all unstaged changes will be skipped.

    5: Run kuesta git commit to create git PullRequest on your configuration manifest repository. If authentication to git provider is required, use --git-token command flag or KUESTA_GIT_TOKEN environment value to provide GitHub private access token.

    kuesta git commit -p <path_to_config_repo_root> -r <config_repo_url> 

    For more information about available commands and flags, run kuesta help.