rca methods

class ecl.rca.v1._proxy.Proxy(session)[source]

Bases: ecl.proxy2.BaseProxy


Create VPN user. One VPN user can create per one tenant. And username equal to tenant_id.

Parameters:password – The passowrd of VPN connection. Available character is 8-127 character of alphabet[a-zA-Z], number[0-9] and Symbols[.-_/*+,!#$%&()~|].
Returns:The results of user creation
Return type:User

Delete VPN user.

Parameters:username – The username of VPN user.
find_user(name_or_id, ignore_missing=True)[source]

Find a single VPN user.

  • name_or_id – The name or ID of a user.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource.

One User or None


Show VPN user.

Parameters:username – Query user name
Returns:One User or :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`when no resource can be found.

Show VPN version.

update_user(username, password)[source]

Update VPN user.

  • username – The username of VPN user.
  • password – The passowrd of VPN connection. Available character is 8-127 character of alphabet[a-zA-Z], number[0-9] and Symbols[ .-_/*+,!#$%&()~|].



List VPN user. Now, VPN user can create per one tenant, so user list hash only one user.

Returns:A generator of user objects

List VPN versions.

Returns:A generator of version objects
class ecl.rca.v1._proxy.VersionSession(profile, user_agent=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ecl.session.Session

get_endpoint(auth=None, interface='public', service_type=None, **kwargs)[source]

Override get endpoint to automate endpoint filtering

This method uses the service catalog to find the root URI of each service and then gets all available versions directly from the service, not from the service catalog.

Endpoints are cached per service type and interface combination so that they’re only requested from the remote service once per instance of this class.


class ecl.rca.v1.user.User(synchronized=False, **attrs)[source]

Bases: ecl.resource2.Resource

allow_create = True
allow_delete = True
allow_get = True
allow_list = True
allow_update = True
base_path = '/users'
classmethod find(session, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, **params)[source]

Find a resource by its name or id.

  • session (Session) – The session to use for making this request.
  • name_or_id – This resource’s identifier, if needed by the request. The default is None.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False ResourceNotFound will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to True, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
  • params (dict) – Any additional parameters to be passed into underlying methods, such as to existing() in order to pass on URI parameters.

The Resource object matching the given name or id or None if nothing matches.


ecl.exceptions.DuplicateResource if more than one resource is found for this request.


ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound if nothing is found and ignore_missing is False.

name = None

User’s name of VPN connection.

password = None

User’s password of VPN connection. This parameter is only included in the response of Create User.

resource_key = 'user'
resources_key = 'users'
service = {'region_name': None, 'service_name': None, 'interface': 'public', 'version': None, 'service_type': 'rca', 'requires_project_id': False, 'api_version': None}
vpn_endpoints = None

VPN user information list id = resource2.Body(‘name’, alternate_id=True)