Source code for ecl.security_order.v1._proxy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ecl.security_order.v1 import device as _fgs
from ecl.security_order.v1 import ha_device as _fgha
from ecl.security_order.v1 import waf as _fgwaf
from ecl.security_order.v1 import host_based_security as _hbs
from ecl import proxy2

[docs]class Proxy(proxy2.BaseProxy):
[docs] def devices(self, locale=None): """List Managed Firwall/UTM devices of single constitution. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Single Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ fgs = _fgs.Device() return fgs.list(self.session, locale=locale)
[docs] def create_device(self, operatingmode, licensekind, azgroup, locale=None): """Create a new Managed Firewall/UTM device of single constitution. :param string operatingmode: Set "FW" or "UTM" to this value. :param string licensekind: Set "02" or "08" as FW/UTM plan. :param string azgroup: Availability Zone :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Single Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind, "azgroup": azgroup }] body["sokind"] = "A" if locale: body["locale"] = locale return self._create(_fgs.Device, **body)
[docs] def update_device(self, hostname, operatingmode, licensekind, locale=None): """Change menu (Firewall/Managed UTM) and/or plan of single device. :param string operatingmode: Set "FW" or "UTM" to this value. :param string licensekind: Set "02" or "08" as FW/UTM plan. :param string hostname: Set the hostname. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Single Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname, "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind }] body["sokind"] = "M" if locale: body.update({"locale": locale}) fgs = _fgs.Device() return fgs.update(self.session, **body)
[docs] def delete_device(self, hostname, locale=None): """Delete a Managed Firewall/UTM device of single constitution. :param string hostname: Set the hostname. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Single Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname }] body["sokind"] = "D" if locale: body["locale"] = locale fgs = _fgs.Device() return fgs.delete(self.session, body, locale=locale)
[docs] def ha_devices(self, locale=None): """List Managed Firwall/UTM devices of single constitution. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: HA Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ fgha = _fgha.HADevice() return fgha.list(self.session, locale=locale)
[docs] def create_ha_device(self, operatingmode, licensekind, azgroup1, azgroup2, halink1networkid, halink1subnetid, halink1ipaddress1, halink1ipaddress2, halink2networkid, halink2subnetid, halink2ipaddress1, halink2ipaddress2, locale=None): """Create a new Managed Firewall/UTM device of single constitution. :param string operatingmode: Set "UTM_HA" or "FW_HA" to this value. :param string licensekind: Set "02" or "08" as FW/UTM plan. :param string azgroup1: Availability Zone :param string azgroup2: Availability Zone :param string halink1networkid: Set Network ID to be used for HA line. :param string halink1subnetid: Set Subnet ID to be used for HA line. :param string halink1ipaddress1: Set value of IPv4. :param string halink1ipaddress2: Set value of IPv4. :param string halink2networkid: Set Network ID to be used for HA line. :param string halink2subnetid: Set Subnet ID to be used for HA line. :param string halink2ipaddress1: Set value of IPv4. :param string halink2ipaddress2: Set value of IPv4. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: HA Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind, "azgroup": azgroup1, "halink1networkid": halink1networkid, "halink1subnetid": halink1subnetid, "halink1ipaddress": halink1ipaddress1, "halink2networkid": halink2networkid, "halink2subnetid": halink2subnetid, "halink2ipaddress": halink2ipaddress1 },{ "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind, "azgroup": azgroup2, "halink1networkid": halink1networkid, "halink1subnetid": halink1subnetid, "halink1ipaddress": halink1ipaddress2, "halink2networkid": halink2networkid, "halink2subnetid": halink2subnetid, "halink2ipaddress": halink2ipaddress2 }] body["sokind"] = "AH" if locale: body["locale"] = locale return self._create(_fgha.HADevice, **body)
[docs] def update_ha_device(self, hostname1, hostname2, operatingmode, licensekind, locale=None): """Change menu (Firewall/Managed UTM) and/or plan of single device. :param string hostname1: Set the hostname. :param string hostname2: Set the hostname. :param string operatingmode: Set "UTM_HA" or "FW_HA" to this value. :param string licensekind: Set "02" or "08" as FW/UTM plan. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: HA Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname1, "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind },{ "hostname": hostname2, "operatingmode": operatingmode, "licensekind": licensekind }] body["sokind"] = "MH" if locale: body.update({"locale": locale}) fgha = _fgha.HADevice() return fgha.update(self.session, **body)
[docs] def delete_ha_device(self, hostname1, hostname2, locale=None): """Delete a Managed Firewall/UTM device of single constitution. :param string hostname1: Set the hostname. :param string hostname2: Set the hostname. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: HA Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname1 }, { "hostname": hostname2 }] body["sokind"] = "DH" if locale: body["locale"] = locale fgha = _fgha.HADevice() return fgha.delete(self.session, body, locale=locale)
[docs] def get_device_order_status(self, soid, locale=None): """Check progress status of Managed Firewall/UTM device Service Order. :param string soid: This value is returned value of when you execute Create Server, Update Server or Delete Server API. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Single Firwall/UTM. :rtype: :class:`` """ fgs = _fgs.Device() return fgs.get_order_status(self.session, soid, locale=locale)
[docs] def wafs(self, locale=None): """List active waf devices you ordered. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: WAF. :rtype: :class:`` """ fgwaf = _fgwaf.WAF() return fgwaf.list(self.session, locale=locale)
[docs] def create_waf(self, licensekind, azgroup, locale=None): """Create a new WAF device. :param string licensekind: Set "02", "04" or "08" as WAF plan. :param string azgroup: Availability Zone :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: WAF. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "operatingmode": "WAF", "licensekind": licensekind, "azgroup": azgroup }] body["sokind"] = "A" if locale: body["locale"] = locale return self._create(_fgwaf.WAF, **body)
[docs] def get_waf_order_status(self, soid, locale=None): """Check progress status of Managed WAF device Service Order. :param string soid: This value is returned value of when you execute Create Server, Update Server or Delete Server API. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: WAF. :rtype: :class:`` """ fgwaf = _fgwaf.WAF() return fgwaf.get_order_status(self.session, soid, locale=locale)
[docs] def update_waf(self, hostname, licensekind, locale=None): """Change plan of device. :param string licensekind: Set "02", "04" or "08" as WAF plan. :param string hostname: Set the hostname. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: WAF. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname, "licensekind": licensekind }] body["sokind"] = "M" if locale: body.update({"locale": locale}) fgwaf = _fgwaf.WAF() return fgwaf.update(self.session, **body)
[docs] def delete_waf(self, hostname, locale=None): """Delete a WAF device. :param string hostname: Set the hostname. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: WAF. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["gt_host"] = [{ "hostname": hostname }] body["sokind"] = "D" if locale: body["locale"] = locale fgwaf = _fgwaf.WAF() return fgwaf.delete(self.session, body, locale=locale)
[docs] def get_hbs_order_status(self, soid, locale=None): """Check progress status of Host-based Security Service Order. :param string soid: This value is returned value of when you execute API of Order Host-based Security, Change menu or quantity, or Cancel the order. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security. :rtype: :class:`` """ hbs = _hbs.HostBasedSecurity() return hbs.get_order_status(self.session, soid, locale=locale)
[docs] def get_hbs_order_info(self, locale=None): """Get Order Information that tied to tenant id. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security. :rtype: :class:`` """ hbs = _hbs.HostBasedSecurity() return hbs.get_order_info(self.session, locale=locale)
[docs] def order_hbs(self, service_order_service, max_agent_value, mailaddress, dsm_lang, time_zone, locale=None): """Make a new application for Host-based Security. :param string service_order_service: Requested menu. Set "Managed Anti-Virus", "Managed Virtual Patch" or "Managed Host-based Security Package" to this field. :param string max_agent_value: Set maximum quantity of Agenet usage. :param string mailaddress: Contactable mail address. :param string dsm_lang: This value is used for language of Deep Security Manager. ja: Japanese, en: English. :param string time_zone: Set "Asia/Tokyo" for JST or "Etc/GMT" for UTC. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["service_order_service"] = service_order_service body["max_agent_value"] = max_agent_value body["mailaddress"] = mailaddress body["dsm_lang"] = dsm_lang body["time_zone"] = time_zone body["sokind"] = "N" if locale: body["locale"] = locale return self._create(_hbs.HostBasedSecurity, **body)
[docs] def change_hbs_menu(self, service_order_service, mailaddress, locale=None): """Change menu of Host-based Security. :param string service_order_service: Requested menu. Set "Managed Anti-Virus", "Managed Virtual Patch" or "Managed Host-based Security Package" to this field. :param string mailaddress: Contactable mail address. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["service_order_service"] = service_order_service body["mailaddress"] = mailaddress body["sokind"] = "M1" if locale: body.update({"locale": locale}) hbs = _hbs.HostBasedSecurity() return hbs.update(self.session, **body)
[docs] def change_hbs_quantity(self, max_agent_value, mailaddress, locale=None): """Change maximum quantity of Agent usage. :param string max_agent_value: Set maximum quantity of Agenet usage. :param string mailaddress: Contactable mail address. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["max_agent_value"] = max_agent_value body["mailaddress"] = mailaddress body["sokind"] = "M2" if locale: body.update({"locale": locale}) hbs = _hbs.HostBasedSecurity() return hbs.update(self.session, **body)
[docs] def cancel_hbs(self, mailaddress, locale=None): """Cancel the order of Host-based Security. :param string mailaddress: Contactable mail address. :param string locale: Messages are displayed in Japanese or English depending on this value. ja: Japanese, en: English. Default value is "en". :return: Host Based Security. :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {} body["tenant_id"] = self.session.get_project_id() body["mailaddress"] = mailaddress body["sokind"] = "C" if locale: body["locale"] = locale hbs = _hbs.HostBasedSecurity() return hbs.delete(self.session, body, locale=locale)