Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from import common_function_pool as _common_function_pool
from import common_function as _common_function
from import common_function_gateway as _common_function_gateway
from import colocation_space as _colocation_space
from import colocation_physical_link as _colocation_physical_link
from import colocation_logical_link as _colocation_logical_link
from import extension as _extension
from import network as _network
from import subnet as _subnet
from import port as _port
from import physical_port as _physical_port
from import quota as _quota
from import reserved_address as _reserved_address
from import firewall as _firewall
from import firewall_interface as _firewall_if
from import firewall_plan as _firewall_plan
from import firewall_action as _firewall_action
from import load_balancer as _load_balancer
from import load_balancer_interface as _load_balancer_if
from import load_balancer_plan as _load_balancer_plan
from import load_balancer_action as _load_balancer_action
from import load_balancer_syslog_server as _load_balancer_syslog
from import gw_interface as _gwif
from import internet as _internet
from import publicip as _publicip
from import qos_option as _qos_option
from import static_route as _static_route
from import vpn as _vpn
from import interdc as _interdc
from import aws as _aws
from import tenant_connection as _tenant_connection

from ecl import proxy2

[docs]class Proxy(proxy2.BaseProxy):
[docs] def create_network(self, admin_state_up=None, description=None, name=None, plane=None, tenant_id=None, tags=None): """Create a new network from attributes :param bool admin_state_up: administrative state, default true :param string description: description of network :param string name: name of network :param string plane: Type of the traffic will be used. value should be "data" or "storage" :param string tenant_id: tenant id to create network :param dict tags: tags of network :returns: The results of network creation :rtype: :class:`` """ body = dict() body.setdefault("admin_state_up", False) if admin_state_up: body["admin_state_up"] = admin_state_up if description: body["description"] = description if name: body["name"] = name if tenant_id: body["tenant_id"] = tenant_id if plane: body["plane"] = plane if tags: body["tags"] = tags return self._create(_network.Network, **body)
[docs] def delete_network(self, network, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a network :param network: The value can be either the ID of a network or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the network does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent network. :returns: ``None`` """ self._delete(_network.Network, network, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_network(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single network :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a network. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_network.Network, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def get_network(self, network): """Get a single network :param network: The value can be the ID of a network or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_network.Network, network)
[docs] def networks(self, **params): """Return a list of networks :param params: The parameters as query string to get networks by specified condition. :returns: A list of network objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_network.Network, paginated=False, **params))
[docs] def update_network(self, network, **params): """Update a network :param network: Either the id of a network or a :class:`` instance. :attrs \*\*params: Parameters for network update. * bool admin_state_up: admin state of network to update * string name: name of network to update * string description: description of network to update * dict tags: tags of network to update :returns: The updated network :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(network, _network.Network): network = self._get_resource(_network.Network, network) network._body.clean() return self._update(_network.Network, network, **params)
[docs] def find_extension(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single extension :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a extension. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or ``None`` """ return self._find(_extension.Extension, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def extensions(self): """Return a list of extensions :returns: A list of extension objects :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_extension.Extension, paginated=False))
[docs] def get_extension(self, extension): """Get a single extension :param extension: The value can be the ID of a extension or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_extension.Extension, extension)
[docs] def create_port(self, admin_state_up=None, allowed_address_pairs=None, mac_address=None, description=None, device_id=None, device_owner=None, fixed_ips=None, name=None, network_id=None, segmentation_id=None, segmentation_type=None, tags=None): """Create a new port from attributes :param string admin_state_up: The admin state of port to create :param array allowed_address_pairs: allowed address pairs e.g. [{"mac_address": <mac>, "ip_address": <ipv4/cidr>}] :param string mac_address: The mac address of port to create :param string description: The description of port to create :param string device_id: The device id of port to create :param string device_owner: The device owner of port to create :param array fixed_ips: The fixed ips of port to create e.g. [{"ip_address":<ipv4> , "subnet_id": <uuid> }, ] :param string name: The name of port to create :param string network_id: The network id of port to create :param int segmentation_id: The segmentation id of port to create :param string segmentation_type: The segmentation type of port to create :param dict tags: tags of port :returns: The results of port creation :rtype: :class:`` """ body = dict() if admin_state_up: body["admin_state_up"] = admin_state_up if allowed_address_pairs: body["allowed_address_pairs"] = allowed_address_pairs if mac_address: body["mac_address"] = mac_address if description: body["description"] = description if device_id: body["device_id"] = device_id if device_owner: body["device_owner"] = device_owner if fixed_ips or fixed_ips == []: body["fixed_ips"] = fixed_ips if name: body["name"] = name if network_id: body["network_id"] = network_id if segmentation_id: body["segmentation_id"] = segmentation_id if segmentation_type: body["segmentation_type"] = segmentation_type if tags: body["tags"] = tags return self._create(_port.Port, **body)
[docs] def delete_port(self, port, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a port :param port: The value can be either the ID of a port or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the port does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent port. :returns: ``None`` """ self._delete(_port.Port, port, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_port(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single port :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a port. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_port.Port, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def get_port(self, port): """Get a single port :param port: The value can be the ID of a port or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_port.Port, port)
[docs] def ports(self, **query): """Return a list of ports :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of port objects :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_port.Port, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def update_port(self, port, **params): """Update a port :param port: Either the id of a port or a :class:`` instance. :param kwargs \*\*params: Parameters for Port update. * string admin_state_up: The admin state of port to update * array allowed_address_pairs: allowed address pairs e.g. [{"mac_address": <mac>, "ip_address": <ipv4/cidr>}] * string mac_address: The mac address of port to update * string description: The description of port to update * string device_id: The device id of port to update * string device_owner: The device owner of port to update * array fixed_ips: The fixed ips of port to update e.g. [{"ip_address":<ipv4> , "subnet_id": <uuid> }, ] * string name: The name of port to update * int segmentation_id: The segmentation id of port to update * string segmentation_type: The segmentation type of port to update * dict tags: tags of port :returns: The updated port :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(port, _port.Port): port = self._get_resource(_port.Port, port) port._body.clean() return self._update(_port.Port, port, **params)
[docs] def get_physical_port(self, physical_port): """Get a single physical_port :param physical_port: The value can be the ID of a physical_port or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_physical_port.PhysicalPort, physical_port)
[docs] def physical_ports(self, **query): """ List all visible physical_ports. :param query: Query parameters to select results :return: A generator of physical_ports. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_physical_port.PhysicalPort, **query))
[docs] def get_quota(self, quota): """Get a quota :param quota: The value can be the ID of a quota or a :class:`` instance. The ID of a quota is the same as the tenant ID for the quota. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_quota.Quota, quota)
[docs] def create_subnet(self, network_id, cidr, allocation_pools=None, description=None, dns_nameservers=None, enable_dhcp=None, gateway_ip=None, host_routes=None, ip_version=4, name=None, ntp_servers=None, tags=None): """Create a new subnet from attributes :param string network_id: ID of network that subnet belongs to. :param CIDR cidr: cidr of subnet to create :param array allocation_pools: allocation pools of subnet to create :param string description: description of subnet to create :param array dns_nameservers: dns nameservers of subnet to create :param bool enable_dhcp: bool value indicating if dhcp is enabled :param IPv4 gateway_ip: Gateway IP of subnet to create :param array host_routes: host routes of subnet to create :param Integer ip_version: support v4 only :param string name: name of subnet to create :param array ntp_servers: ntp servers of subnet to create :param dict tags: tags of subnet to create :returns: The results of subnet creation :rtype: :class:`` """ body = { "network_id": network_id, "cidr": cidr, "enable_dhcp": enable_dhcp, "gateway_ip": gateway_ip } if allocation_pools: body.update({"allocation_pools": allocation_pools}) if description: body.update({"description": description}) if dns_nameservers: body.update({"dns_nameservers": dns_nameservers}) if host_routes: body.update({"host_routes": host_routes}) if ip_version: body.update({"ip_version": ip_version}) if name: body.update({"name": name}) if ntp_servers: body.update({"ntp_servers": ntp_servers}) if tags: body.update({"tags": tags}) return self._create(_subnet.Subnet, **body)
[docs] def delete_subnet(self, subnet, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a subnet :param subnet: The value can be either the ID of a subnet or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the subnet does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent subnet. :returns: ``None`` """ self._delete(_subnet.Subnet, subnet, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_subnet(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single subnet :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a subnet. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_subnet.Subnet, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def get_subnet(self, subnet): """Get a single subnet :param subnet: The value can be the ID of a subnet or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_subnet.Subnet, subnet)
[docs] def subnets(self, **query): """Return a list of subnets :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of subnet objects :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_subnet.Subnet, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def update_subnet(self, subnet, **params): """Update a subnet :param subnet: Either the id of a subnet or a :class:`` instance. :param \*\*params: Parameters for subnet update. * string description: description of subnet to create * array dns_nameservers: dns nameservers of subnet to create * bool enable_dhcp: bool value indicating if dhcp is enabled * IPv4 gateway_ip: Gateway IP of subnet to create * array host_routes: host routes of subnet to create * string name: name of subnet to create * array ntp_servers: ntp servers of subnet to create * dict tags: tags of subnet to create :returns: The updated subnet :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(subnet, _subnet.Subnet): subnet = self._get_resource(_subnet.Subnet, subnet) subnet._body.clean() return self._update(_subnet.Subnet, subnet, **params)
[docs] def reserved_addresses(self, **query): """Return a list of reserved addresses :returns: A list of reserved addresses objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_reserved_address.ReservedAddress, aginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_reserved_address(self, reserved_address): """Get a reserved address :param reserved_address: The value can be the ID of a reserved address or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_reserved_address.ReservedAddress, reserved_address)
[docs] def firewalls(self, **query): """ List all visible firewalls. :param query: Query parameters to select results :return: A generator of firewall instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_firewall.Firewall, **query))
[docs] def create_firewall(self, firewall_plan_id, availability_zone=None, default_gateway=None, description=None, name=None): """ Create firewall. :param firewall_plan_id: Firewall Plan ID. :param availability_zone: Get from `~ecl.compute.v2.availability_zone.AvailabilityZone` :param default_gateway: IP address of default gateway. :param description: Description of the Firewall. :param name: Name of the Firewall. :return: :class:`` """ body = {"firewall_plan_id": firewall_plan_id} if availability_zone: body["availability_zone"] = availability_zone if default_gateway: body["default_gateway"] = default_gateway if description: body["description"] = description if name: body["name"] = name return self._create(_firewall.Firewall, **body)
[docs] def get_firewall(self, firewall_id): """ Get details for firewall. :param firewall_id: ID of specified firewall. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_firewall.Firewall, firewall_id)
[docs] def update_firewall(self, firewall_id, **params): """ Update a specified firewall. :param firewall_id: ID of specified firewall. :param \*\*params: Parameters for firewall update. * default_gateway: IP address of default gateway. * description: Description of the Firewall. * firewall_plan_id: Firewall Plan ID. * name: Name of the Firewall. :return: :class:`` """ firewall = _firewall.Firewall() return firewall.update(self.session, firewall_id, **params)
[docs] def delete_firewall(self, firewall_id): """ Delete a sepcified firewall. :param firewall_id: ID of specified firewall. :return: ``None`` """ return self._delete(_firewall.Firewall, firewall_id)
[docs] def find_firewall(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single firewall :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a firewall. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_firewall.Firewall, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def firewall_interfaces(self, **query): """ List all visible firewall_interfaces. :param query: Query parameters to select results :return: A generator of FirewallInterface instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_firewall_if.FirewallInterface, **query))
[docs] def get_firewall_interface(self, firewall_interface_id): """ Get details for firewall_interface. :param firewall_interface_id: ID of specified firewall_interface. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_firewall_if.FirewallInterface, firewall_interface_id)
[docs] def update_firewall_interface(self, firewall_id, firewall_interface_id, **params): """ Update firewall_interface. :param firewall_id: ID of parent firewall ID of firewall_interface. :param firewall_interface_id: ID of specified firewall_interface. :param params: Parameters for update. :return: :class:`` """ interface = _firewall_if.FirewallInterface() return interface.update(self.session, firewall_id, firewall_interface_id, **params)
[docs] def firewall_plans(self, **query): """ List all visible firewall_plans. :param query: Query parameters to select results :return: A generator of FirewallPlan instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_firewall_plan.FirewallPlan, **query))
[docs] def get_firewall_plan(self, firewall_plan_id): """ Get details for firewall_plan. :param firewall_plan_id: Specified firewall plan id. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_firewall_plan.FirewallPlan, firewall_plan_id)
[docs] def find_firewall_plan(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a firewall plan :param id_or_name: The name or ID of a firewall plan. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`~ecl.compute.v2.firewall_plan.FirewallPlan` or None """ return self._find(_firewall_plan.FirewallPlan, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def reboot_firewall(self, firewall_id, type): """ Reboot Firewall. :param firewall_id: ID of specified firewall. :param type: Type to reboot firewall. :return: ``None`` """ action = _firewall_action.FirewallAction() return action.reboot(self.session, firewall_id, type)
[docs] def reset_password_firewall(self, firewall_id, username): """ Reset password of firewall instance. :param firewall_id: ID of specified firewall. :param username: Username to change the password. :return: :class:`` """ action = _firewall_action.FirewallAction() return action.reset_password(self.session, firewall_id, username)
[docs] def load_balancers(self, **query): """ List all visible load_balancers. :param query: Query parameters to select results. :return: A generator of LoadBalancer instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_load_balancer.LoadBalancer, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def create_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_plan_id, availability_zone=None, description=None, name=None): """ Create a load_balancer. :param load_balancer_plan_id: Load Balancer Plan. :param availability_zone: Availability Zone. :param description: Description of the Load Balancer. :param name: Name of the Load Balancer. :return: :class:`` """ body = {"load_balancer_plan_id": load_balancer_plan_id} if availability_zone: body["availability_zone"] = availability_zone if description: body["description"] = description if name: body["name"] = name return self._create(_load_balancer.LoadBalancer, **body)
[docs] def get_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_id): """ Get details for load_balancer. :param load_balancer_id: ID of load balancer. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_load_balancer.LoadBalancer, load_balancer_id)
[docs] def delete_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_id): """ Delete load_balancer. :param load_balancer_id: ID of load balancer. :return: :class:`` """ return self._delete(_load_balancer.LoadBalancer, load_balancer_id)
[docs] def find_load_balancer(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single load_balancer :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a load_balancer. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_load_balancer.LoadBalancer, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def update_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_id, **params): """ Update a specified firewall. :param load_balancer_id: ID of specified load balancer. :param \*\*params: Parameters for firewall update. * load_balancer_interface_id: ID for specified load_balancer_interface. * description: Description the Load Balancer Interface. * ip_address: IP Address. * name: Name the Load Balancer Interface. * network_id: Network ID. * virtual_ip_address: Virtual IP Address. * virtual_ip_properties: Properties used for virtual IP address. Available parameters include: * protocol: Redundancy Protocol. Enumeration is [‘vrrp’]. This parameter is optional. * vrid: VRRP group identifier. This parameter is optional. :return: :class:`` """ load_balancer = _load_balancer.LoadBalancer() return load_balancer.update(self.session, load_balancer_id, **params)
[docs] def load_balancer_interfaces(self, **query): """ List all visible load_balancer_interfaces. :param query: Query parameters to select results :return: A generator of LoadBalancerInterface instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_load_balancer_if.LoadBalancerInterface, **query))
[docs] def get_load_balancer_interface(self, load_balancer_interface_id): """ Get details for load_balancer_interface. :param load_balancer_interface_id: ID for specified load_balancer_interface. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_load_balancer_if.LoadBalancerInterface, load_balancer_interface_id)
[docs] def update_load_balancer_interface(self, load_balancer_id, load_balancer_interface_id, **params): """ Update load_balancer_interface. :param load_balancer_id: ID for parent load balancer of specified load_balancer_interface. :param load_balancer_interface_id: ID for specified load_balancer_interface. :param params: Parameters for update. :return: """ interface = _load_balancer_if.LoadBalancerInterface() return interface.update(self.session, load_balancer_id, load_balancer_interface_id, **params)
[docs] def load_balancer_plans(self, **query): """ List all visible load_balancer_plans. :param query: Query parameters to select results. :return: A generator of LoadBalancerPlan instances. :rtype: :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_load_balancer_plan.LoadBalancerPlan, **query))
[docs] def get_load_balancer_plan(self, load_balancer_interface_id): """ Get details for load_balancer_plan. :param load_balancer_interface_id: ID of specified load balancer plan. :return: :class:`` """ return self._get(_load_balancer_plan.LoadBalancerPlan, load_balancer_interface_id)
[docs] def find_load_balancer_plan(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a load_balancer plan :param id_or_name: The name or ID of a load balancer plan. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`~ecl.compute.v2._load_balancer_plan.LoadBalancerPlan` or None """ return self._find(_load_balancer_plan.LoadBalancerPlan, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def reboot_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_id, type): """ Reboot Firewall. :param load_balancer_id: ID of specified load_balancer. :param type: Type to reboot firewall. :return: ``None`` """ action = _load_balancer_action.LoadBalancerAction() return action.reboot(self.session, load_balancer_id, type)
[docs] def reset_password_load_balancer(self, load_balancer_id, username): """ Reset password of load balancer instance. :param load_balancer_id: ID of specified load balancer. :param username: Username to change the password. :return: :class:`` """ action = _load_balancer_action.LoadBalancerAction() return action.reset_password(self.session, load_balancer_id, username)
[docs] def load_balancer_syslog_servers(self, **query): """Return a list of Load Balancer Syslog Server :returns: A list of Load Balancer Syslog Server objects """ return list(self._list(_load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_load_balancer_syslog_server(self, load_balancer_syslog_server): """Get a single Load Balancer Syslog Server :param load_balancer_syslog_server: The value can be the ID of an Load Balancer Syslog Server or a :class:` LoadBalancerSyslogServer` instance. :returns: One :class:` LoadBalancerSyslogServer` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, load_balancer_syslog_server)
[docs] def create_load_balancer_syslog_server(self, ip_address, load_balancer_id, name, acl_logging=None, appflow_logging=None, date_format=None, description=None, log_facility=None, log_level=None, port_number=None, priority=None, tcp_logging=None, tenant_id=None, time_zone=None, transport_type=None, user_configurable_log_messages=None): """Create a Load Balancer Syslog Server from properties :param string ip_address: IP address of the syslog server :param uuid load_balancer_id: ID of load balancer this syslog server belongs to :param string name: Name for syslog :param enumerate acl_logging: ["ENABLED", "DISABLED"] :param enumerate appflow_logging: ["ENABLED", "DISABLED"] :param enumerate date_format: ["DDMMYYYY", "MMDDYYYY", "YYYYMMDD"] :param string description: Description for syslog :param enumerate log_facility: ["LOCAL0", "LOCAL1", "LOCAL2", "LOCAL3", "LOCAL4", "LOCAL5", "LOCAL6", "LOCAL7"] :param string log_level: "ALL", "NONE", or one or more (join with "|") of ["ALERT", "CRITICAL", "NOTICE", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "WARNING", "EMERGENCY", "INFORMATIONAL"] :param int port_number: 1-65536 :param int priority: 0-255 :param enumerate tcp_logging: ["NONE", "ALL"] :param uuid tenant_id: Tenant ID of the owner :param enumerate time_zone: ["GMT_TIME", "LOCAL_TIME"] :param enumerate transport_type: ["UDP"] :param enumerate user_configurable_log_messages: ["YES", "NO"] :return: :class:`` """ body = { "ip_address": ip_address, "load_balancer_id": load_balancer_id, "name": name } if acl_logging is not None: body["acl_logging"] = acl_logging if appflow_logging is not None: body["appflow_logging"] = appflow_logging if date_format is not None: body["date_format"] = date_format if description is not None: body["description"] = description if log_facility is not None: body["log_facility"] = log_facility if log_level is not None: body["log_level"] = log_level if port_number is not None: body["port_number"] = port_number if priority is not None: body["priority"] = priority if tcp_logging is not None: body["tcp_logging"] = tcp_logging if tenant_id is not None: body["tenant_id"] = tenant_id if time_zone is not None: body["time_zone"] = time_zone if transport_type is not None: body["transport_type"] = transport_type if user_configurable_log_messages is not None: body["user_configurable_log_messages"] = user_configurable_log_messages return self._create(_load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, **body)
[docs] def update_load_balancer_syslog_server(self, load_balancer_syslog_server, acl_logging=None, appflow_logging=None, date_format=None, description=None, log_facility=None, log_level=None, priority=None, tcp_logging=None, time_zone=None, user_configurable_log_messages=None): """Update a Load Balancer Syslog Server from properties :param load_balancer_syslog_server: The value can be either the ID of an Load Balancer Syslog Server or a :class:` LoadBalancerSyslogServer` instance. :param enumerate acl_logging: ["ENABLED", "DISABLED"] :param enumerate appflow_logging: ["ENABLED", "DISABLED"] :param enumerate date_format: ["DDMMYYYY", "MMDDYYYY", "YYYYMMDD"] :param string description: Description for syslog :param enumerate log_facility: ["LOCAL0", "LOCAL1", "LOCAL2", "LOCAL3", "LOCAL4", "LOCAL5", "LOCAL6", "LOCAL7"] :param string log_level: "ALL", "NONE", or one or more (join with "|") of ["ALERT", "CRITICAL", "NOTICE", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "WARNING", "EMERGENCY", "INFORMATIONAL"] :param int priority: 0-255 :param enumerate tcp_logging: ["NONE", "ALL"] :param enumerate time_zone: ["GMT_TIME", "LOCAL_TIME"] :param enumerate user_configurable_log_messages: ["YES", "NO"] :return: :class:`` """ body = dict() if acl_logging is not None: body["acl_logging"] = acl_logging if appflow_logging is not None: body["appflow_logging"] = appflow_logging if date_format is not None: body["date_format"] = date_format if description is not None: body["description"] = description if log_facility is not None: body["log_facility"] = log_facility if log_level is not None: body["log_level"] = log_level if priority is not None: body["priority"] = priority if tcp_logging is not None: body["tcp_logging"] = tcp_logging if time_zone is not None: body["time_zone"] = time_zone if user_configurable_log_messages is not None: body["user_configurable_log_messages"] = user_configurable_log_messages if not isinstance(load_balancer_syslog_server, _load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer): load_balancer_syslog_server = self._get_resource( _load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, load_balancer_syslog_server ) load_balancer_syslog_server._body.clean() return self._update(_load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, load_balancer_syslog_server, **body)
[docs] def delete_load_balancer_syslog_server(self, load_balancer_syslog_server, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a load balancer syslog server :param load_balancer_syslog_server: The value can be either the ID of an Load Balancer Syslog Server or a :class:` LoadBalancerSyslogServer` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the Load Balancer Syslog Server does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent Load Balancer Syslog Server. :returns: ``None`` """ return self._delete(_load_balancer_syslog.LoadBalancerSyslogServer, load_balancer_syslog_server, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def internet_services(self, **query): """Return a list of Internet Services :returns: A list of Internet Service objects """ return list(self._list(_internet.InternetService, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_internet_service(self, internet_service): """Get a single Internet Service :param internet_service: The value can be the ID of an Internet Service or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_internet.InternetService, internet_service)
[docs] def find_internet_service(self,name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single internet_service :param name_or_id: The name or ID of an internet_service. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_internet.InternetService, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def internet_gateways(self, **query): """Return a list of Internet Gateways :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of Internet Gateway objects """ return list(self._list(_internet.InternetGateway, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_internet_gateway(self, internet_gateway): """Get a single Internet Gateway :param internet_gateway: The value can be the ID of an Internet Gateway or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_internet.InternetGateway, internet_gateway)
[docs] def create_internet_gateway(self, internet_service_id, qos_option_id, name=None, description=None, tenant_id=None): """Create a new Internet Gateway from parameters. :param string internet_service_id: ID of Internet Service of gateway to create :param string qos_option_id: ID of QoS Option of gateway to create :param string name: name of gateway to create :param string description: description of gateway to create :param string tenant_id: ID of Tenant of gateway to create :return: One :class:`` """ body = { "internet_service_id": internet_service_id, "qos_option_id": qos_option_id } if name is not None: body.update({"name": name}) if description is not None: body.update({"description": description}) if tenant_id is not None: body.update({"tenant_id": tenant_id}) return self._create(_internet.InternetGateway, **body)
[docs] def update_internet_gateway(self, inet_gw, **body): """Update a new Internet Gateway from parameters. :param inet_gw: The value can be the ID of an Internet Gateway or a :class:`` instance. :param string name: name of gateway to update :param string description: description of gateway to update :param string qos_option_id: ID of QoS Option of gateway to update :return: result of update Internet Gateway :rtype :class:`` """ if not isinstance(inet_gw, _internet.InternetGateway): inet_gw = self._get_resource(_internet.InternetGateway, inet_gw) inet_gw._body.clean() return self._update(_internet.InternetGateway, inet_gw, **body)
[docs] def delete_internet_gateway(self, inet_gw, ignore_missing=True): """Delete an Internet Gateway :param inet_gw: The value can be either the ID of an Internet Gateway or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the Internet Gateway does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent Internet Gateway. :returns: ``None`` """ return self._delete(_internet.InternetGateway, inet_gw, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_internet_gateway(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single internet_gateway :param name_or_id: The name or ID of an internet_gateway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_internet.InternetGateway, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def qos_options(self, **query): """Return a list of QoS Options :returns: A list of QoS Option objects """ return list(self._list(_qos_option.QosOption, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_qos_option(self, qos_option): """Get a single QoS Option :param qos_option: The value can be the ID of a QoS Option or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_qos_option.QosOption, qos_option)
[docs] def find_qos_option(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single qos_option :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a qos_option. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_qos_option.QosOption, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def public_ips(self, **query): """Return a list of Public IPs :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of Public IP objects """ return list(self._list(_publicip.PublicIP, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_public_ip(self, publicip): """Get a single Public IP :param publicip: The value can be the ID of a Public IP or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_publicip.PublicIP, publicip)
[docs] def create_public_ip(self, internet_gw_id, submask_length, description=None, name=None, tenant_id=None): """Create a Public IP from parameters :param string internet_gw_id: ID of Internet Gateway to create public ip :param int submask_length: submask length to create public ip pool with :param string description: description of public ip to create :param string name: name of public ip to create :param string tenant_id: tenant ID of public ip :return: One :class:`` """ body = {"internet_gw_id": internet_gw_id, "submask_length": submask_length} if description: body.update({"description": description}) if name: body.update({"name": name}) if tenant_id: body.update({"tenant_id": tenant_id}) return self._create(_publicip.PublicIP, **body)
[docs] def update_public_ip(self, public_ip, **body): """Update a Public IP :param public_ip: The value can be the ID of a Public IP or a :class:`` instance. :param description: description of public ip to update :returns: The result of update Public IP :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(public_ip, _publicip.PublicIP): public_ip = self._get_resource(_publicip.PublicIP, public_ip) public_ip._body.clean() return self._update(_publicip.PublicIP, public_ip, **body)
[docs] def delete_public_ip(self, publicip, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a Public Ip :param publicip: The value can be either the ID of a Public IP or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the Public IP does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent Public IP. :return: One :class:`` """ return self._delete(_publicip.PublicIP, publicip, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def gateway_interfaces(self, **query): """Return a list of Gateway Interfaces :returns: A list of Gateway Interface objects """ return list(self._list(_gwif.GatewayInterface, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_gateway_interface(self, gw_interface): """Get a single Gateway Interface :param gw_interface: The value can be the ID of a Gateway Interface or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_gwif.GatewayInterface, gw_interface)
[docs] def create_gateway_interface(self, service_type, network_id, netmask, primary_ipv4, secondary_ipv4, gw_vipv4, vrid, name=None, description=None, primary_ipv6=None, secondary_ipv6=None, gw_vipv6=None, interdc_gw_id=None, internet_gw_id=None, vpn_gw_id=None, aws_gw_id=None, tenant_id=None): """Create a Gateway Interface from parameters :param string service_type: service type of gateway interface to create :param string network_id: network ID of gateway interface to create :param int netmask: netmask of gateway interface to create :param IPv4 primary_ipv4: primary IPv4 of gateway interface to create :param IPv4 secondary_ipv4: secondary IPv4 of gateway interface to create :param IPv4 gw_vipv4: gateway virtual IPv4 interface to create :param int vrid: ID of VRRP of gateway interface to create :param string name: name of gateway interface to create :param string description: description of gateway interface to create :param IPv6 primary_ipv6: primary IPv6 of gateway interface to create :param IPv6 secondary_ipv6: secondary IPv6 of gateway interface to create :param IPv6 gw_vipv6: gateway virtual IPv6 of gateway interface to create :param string interdc_gw_id: InterDC Gateway ID of gateway interface to create :param string internet_gw_id: Internet Gateway ID of gateway interface to create :param string vpn_gw_id: VPN Gateway ID of gateway interface to create :param string tenant_id: tenant ID of gateway interface to create :returns: The results of GatewayInterface creation :rtype: One :class:`` """ body = { "service_type": service_type, "network_id": network_id, "netmask": netmask, "primary_ipv4": primary_ipv4, "secondary_ipv4": secondary_ipv4, "gw_vipv4": gw_vipv4, "vrid": vrid } if name: body.update({"name": name}) if description: body.update({"description": description}) if primary_ipv6: body.update({"primary_ipv6": primary_ipv6}) if secondary_ipv6: body.update({"secondary_ipv6": secondary_ipv6}) if gw_vipv6: body.update({"gw_vipv6": gw_vipv6}) if interdc_gw_id: body.update({"interdc_gw_id": interdc_gw_id}) if internet_gw_id: body.update({"internet_gw_id": internet_gw_id}) if vpn_gw_id: body.update({"vpn_gw_id": vpn_gw_id}) if aws_gw_id: body.update({"aws_gw_id": aws_gw_id}) if tenant_id: body.update({"tenant_id": tenant_id}) return self._create(_gwif.GatewayInterface, **body)
[docs] def update_gateway_interface(self, gw_interface, **body): """Update a Gateway Interface :param gw_interface: The value can be the ID of a Gateway Interface or a :class:`` instance. :param name: name of gateway interface to update :param description: description of gateway interface to update :returns: The result of update Gateway Interface :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(gw_interface, _gwif.GatewayInterface): gw_interface = self._get_resource(_gwif.GatewayInterface, gw_interface) gw_interface._body.clean() return self._update(_gwif.GatewayInterface, gw_interface, **body)
[docs] def delete_gateway_interface(self, gwif, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a Gateway Interface :param gwif: The value can be either the ID of a Gateway Interface or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the Gateway Interface does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent Gateway Interface. :return: One :class:`` """ return self._delete(_gwif.GatewayInterface, gwif, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_gateway_interface(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single gateway_interface :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a common_function_gatway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_gwif.GatewayInterface, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def static_routes(self, **query): """Return a list of Static Routes :returns: A list of Static Route objects """ return list(self._list(_static_route.StaticRoute, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_static_route(self, static_route): """Get a single Static Route :param static_route: The value can be the ID of a Static Route or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_static_route.StaticRoute, static_route)
[docs] def create_static_route(self, service_type, destination, nexthop, name=None, description=None,interdc_gw_id=None, internet_gw_id=None, vpn_gw_id=None, aws_gw_id=None, tenant_id=None): """Create a Static Route :param service_type: service type of static route to create :param destination: destination of static route to create :param nexthop: next hop of static route to create :param name: name of static route to create :param description: description of static route to create :param interdc_gw_id: InterDC Gateway ID of static route to create :param internet_gw_id: Internet Gateway ID of static route to create :param vpn_gw_id: VPN Gateway ID of static route to create :param tenant_id: tenant ID of static route to create :return: The results of StaticRoute creation :rtype: One :class:`` """ body = { "service_type": service_type, "destination": destination, "nexthop": nexthop } if name: body.update({"name": name}) if description: body.update({"description": description}) if interdc_gw_id: body.update({"interdc_gw_id": interdc_gw_id}) if internet_gw_id: body.update({"internet_gw_id": internet_gw_id}) if vpn_gw_id: body.update({"vpn_gw_id": vpn_gw_id}) if aws_gw_id: body.update({"aws_gw_id": aws_gw_id}) if tenant_id: body.update({"tenant_id": tenant_id}) return self._create(_static_route.StaticRoute, **body)
[docs] def update_static_route(self, static_route, **body): """Update a Static Route :param static_route: The value can be the ID of a Static Route or a :class:`` instance. :param name: name of static route to update :param description: description of static route to update :returns: The result of update Static Route :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(static_route, _static_route.StaticRoute): static_route = self._get_resource(_static_route.StaticRoute, static_route) static_route._body.clean() return self._update(_static_route.StaticRoute, static_route, **body)
[docs] def delete_static_route(self, static_route, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a Static Route :param static_route: The value can be either the ID of a Static Route or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the Static Route does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent Static Route. :return: One :class:`` """ return self._delete(_static_route.StaticRoute, static_route, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def vpn_services(self, **query): """Return a list of VPN Service :returns: A list of VPN Service objects """ return list(self._list(_vpn.VPNService, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_vpn_service(self, vpn_service): """Get a single VPN Service :param vpn_service: The value can be the ID of a VPN Service or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_vpn.VPNService, vpn_service)
[docs] def vpn_gateways(self, **query): """Return a list of VPN Gateways :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of VPN Gateway objects """ return list(self._list(_vpn.VPNGateway, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_vpn_gateway(self, vpn_gateway): """Get a single VPN Gateway :param vpn_gateway: The value can be the ID of a VPN Gateway or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_vpn.VPNGateway, vpn_gateway)
[docs] def find_vpn_gateway(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single vpn_gateway :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a vpn_gateway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_vpn.VPNGateway, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def vpn_interfaces(self, **query): """Return a list of VPN Interface :returns: A list of VPN Interface objects """ return list(self._list(_vpn.VPNInterface, paginated=False, *query))
[docs] def get_vpn_interface(self, vpn_interface): """Get a single VPN Gateway :param vpn_interface: The value can be the ID of a VPN Interface or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_vpn.VPNInterface, vpn_interface)
[docs] def interdc_services(self, **query): """Return a list of InterDC Service :returns: A list of InterDC Service objects """ return list(self._list(_interdc.InterDCService, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_interdc_service(self, interdc_service): """Get a single InterDC Service :param interdc_service: The value can be the ID of an InterDC Service or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_interdc.InterDCService, interdc_service)
[docs] def interdc_gateways(self, **query): """Return a list of InterDC Gateways :param query: Query parameters to select results :returns: A list of InterDC Gateway objects """ return list(self._list(_interdc.InterDCGateway, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_interdc_gateway(self, interdc_gateway): """Get a single InterDC Gateway :param interdc_gateway: The value can be the ID of an InterDC Gateway or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_interdc.InterDCGateway, interdc_gateway)
[docs] def find_interdc_gateway(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single interdc_gateway :param name_or_id: The name or ID of an interdc_gateway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_interdc.InterDCGateway, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def interdc_interfaces(self, **query): """Return a list of InterDC Interface :returns: A list of InterDC Interface objects """ return list(self._list(_interdc.InterDCInterface, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_interdc_interface(self, interdc_interface): """Get a single InterDC Gateway :param interdc_interface: The value can be the ID of an InterDC Interface or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_interdc.InterDCInterface, interdc_interface)
[docs] def create_interdc_interface(self, interdc_gw_id, netmask, primary_ipv4, secondary_ipv4, gw_vipv4, vrid, name=None, description=None, primary_ipv6=None, secondary_ipv6=None, gw_vipv6=None, tenant_id=None): """Create an InterDC Interface from parameters :param string interdc_gw_id: ID of InterDC interface to create :param int netmask: netmask of InterDC interface to create :param IPv4 primary_ipv4: primary IPv4 of InterDC interface to create :param IPv4 secondary_ipv4: secondary IPv4 of InterDC interface to create :param IPv4 gw_vipv4: InterDC virtual IPv4 interface to create :param int vrid: ID of VRRP of InterDC interface to create :param string name: name of InterDC interface to create :param string description: description of InterDC interface to create :param IPv6 primary_ipv6: primary IPv6 of InterDC interface to create :param IPv6 secondary_ipv6: secondary IPv6 of InterDC interface to create :param IPv6 gw_vipv6: InterDC virtual IPv6 of InterDC interface to create :param string tenant_id: tenant ID of InterDC interface to create :returns: The results of InterDCInterface creation :rtype: One :class:`` """ body = { "interdc_gw_id": interdc_gw_id, "netmask": netmask, "primary_ipv4": primary_ipv4, "secondary_ipv4": secondary_ipv4, "gw_vipv4": gw_vipv4, "vrid": vrid } if name: body.update({"name": name}) if description: body.update({"description": description}) if primary_ipv6: body.update({"primary_ipv6": primary_ipv6}) if secondary_ipv6: body.update({"secondary_ipv6": secondary_ipv6}) if gw_vipv6: body.update({"gw_vipv6": gw_vipv6}) if tenant_id: body.update({"tenant_id": tenant_id}) return self._create(_interdc.InterDCInterface, **body)
[docs] def update_interdc_interface(self, interdc_interface, **body): """Update an InterDC Interface from parameters :param interdc_interface: ID of InterDC interface to update :param name: name of InterDC interface to update :param description: description of InterDC interface to update :returns: The results of InterDCInterface update :rtype: One :class:`` """ if not isinstance(interdc_interface, _interdc.InterDCInterface): interdc_interface = self._get_resource(_interdc.InterDCInterface, interdc_interface) interdc_interface._body.clean() return self._update(_interdc.InterDCInterface, interdc_interface, **body)
[docs] def delete_interdc_interface(self, interdc_interface, ignore_missing=True): """Delete an InterDC Interface :param gwif: The value can be either the ID of an InterDC Interface or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the InterDC Interface does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent InterDC Interface. :return: One :class:`` """ return self._delete(_interdc.InterDCInterface, interdc_interface, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def common_function_pools(self, **query): """Return a list of common_function_pools :returns: A list of common_function_pool objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_common_function_pool.CommonFunctionPool, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_common_function_pool(self, common_function_pool): """Get a single common_function_pool :param common_function_pool: The value can be the ID of a common_function_pool or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_common_function_pool.CommonFunctionPool, common_function_pool)
[docs] def find_common_function_pool(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single common_function_pool :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a common_function_pool. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_common_function_pool.CommonFunctionPool, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def common_functions(self, **query): """Return a list of common_functions :param query: Query parameters to select results. :returns: A list of common_functions objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_common_function.CommonFunction, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_common_function(self, common_function): """Get a single common_function :param common_function: The value can be the ID of a common_function or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_common_function.CommonFunction, common_function)
[docs] def find_common_function(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single common_function :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a common_function_gatway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_common_function.CommonFunction, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def common_function_gateways(self, **query): """Return a list of common_function_gateways :param query: Query parameters to select results. :returns: A list of common_function_gateways objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_common_function_gateway(self, common_function_gateway): """Get a single common_function_gateway :param common_function_gateway: The value can be the ID of a common_function_gateway or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, common_function_gateway)
[docs] def create_common_function_gateway(self, common_function_pool_id, description=None, name=None): """Create a new common_function_gateway from attributes :param string common_function_pool_id: Common Function Pool instantiated by this Gateway. :param string description: Description of the Common Function Pool Gateway resource. :param string name: Name of the Common Function Pool Gateway resource. :returns: The results of common_function_gateway creation :rtype: :class:`` """ body = {"common_function_pool_id" :common_function_pool_id} if description: body["description"] = description if name: body["name"] = name return self._create(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, **body)
[docs] def update_common_function_gateway(self, common_function_gateway, **params): """Update a common_function_gateway :param common_function_gateway: The value can be the ID of a common_function_gateway or a :class:`` instance. :param kwargs \*\*params: Parameter for Common Function Gateway update. * description: Description of the Common Function Pool Gateway resource. * name: Name of the Common Function Pool Gateway resource. :returns: The result of update common_function_gateway. :rtype: :class:`` """ if not isinstance(common_function_gateway, _common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway): common_function_gateway = \ self._get_resource(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, common_function_gateway) common_function_gateway._body.clean() return self._update(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, common_function_gateway, **params)
[docs] def delete_common_function_gateway(self, common_function_gateway, ignore_missing=True): """Delete a common_function_gateway :param common_function_gateway: The value can be either the ID of a common_function_gateway Interface or a :class:`` instance. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the common_function_gateway Interface does not exist. When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to delete a nonexistent common_function_gateway Interface. :return: One :class:`` """ self._delete(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, common_function_gateway, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def find_common_function_gateway(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single common_function_gateway :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a common_function_gatway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_common_function_gateway.CommonFunctionGateway, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def colocation_spaces(self, **query): """Return a list of colocation_spaces :param query: Query parameters to select results. :returns: A list of colocation_spaces objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_colocation_space.ColocationSpace, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_colocation_space(self, colocation_space): """Get a single colocation_space :param colocation_space: The value can be the ID of a colocation_space or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_colocation_space.ColocationSpace, colocation_space)
[docs] def aws_services(self, **params): """Return a list of aws_services :param params: The parameters as query string to get aws_services by specified condition. :returns: A list of aws_services objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_aws.AWSService, paginated=False, **params))
[docs] def get_aws_service(self, aws_service): """Get a single aws_service :param aws_service: The value can be the ID of a aws_service or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_aws.AWSService, aws_service)
[docs] def find_aws_service(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single aws_service :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a aws_service. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_aws.AWSService, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def aws_gateways(self, **params): """Return a list of aws_gateways :param params: The parameters as query string to get aws_gateways by specified condition. :returns: A list of aws_gateways objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_aws.AWSGateway, paginated=False, **params))
[docs] def get_aws_gateway(self, aws_gateway): """Get a single aws_gateway :param aws_gateway: The value can be the ID of a aws_gateway or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_aws.AWSGateway, aws_gateway)
[docs] def find_aws_gateway(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single aws_gateway :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a aws_gateway. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_aws.AWSGateway, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def aws_interfaces(self, **params): """Return a list of aws_interfaces :param params: The parameters as query string to get aws_interfaces by specified condition. :returns: A list of aws_interfaces objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_aws.AWSInterface, paginated=False, **params))
[docs] def get_aws_interface(self, aws_interface): """Get a single aws_interface :param aws_interface: The value can be the ID of a aws_interface or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_aws.AWSInterface, aws_interface)
[docs] def find_aws_interface(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True): """Find a single aws_interface :param name_or_id: The name or ID of a aws_interface. :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False`` :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when the resource does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource. :returns: One :class:`` or None """ return self._find(_aws.AWSInterface, name_or_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
[docs] def tenant_connections(self, **query): """Return a list of tenant_connections :param query: Query parameters to select results. :return: A list of tenant_connection objects :rtype: list of :class:`` """ return list(self._list(_tenant_connection.TenantConnection, paginated=False, **query))
[docs] def get_tenant_connection(self, tenant_connection): """Get a single tenant_connection :param tenant_connection: The value can be the ID of a TenantConnection or a :class:`` instance. :returns: One :class:`` :raises: :class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no resource can be found. """ return self._get(_tenant_connection.TenantConnection, tenant_connection)
[docs] def create_tenant_connection(self, connected_network_id, connected_network_tenant_id, connected_interface_id, connected_interface_ip_address, interface_type, name=None, description=None, tenant_id=None, connected_interface_virtual_ip_address=None, connected_interface_virtual_ip_vrid=None): """Create a TenantConnection from attributes :param uuid connected_network_id: ID of the connected network :param uuid connected_network_tenant_id: Tenant ID of the Connected Network :param uuid connected_interface_id: Resource id of the Interface which Connects the Tenant :param IPv4 connected_interface_ip_address: IP Address of the Interface which Connects the Tenant :param IPv4 connected_interface_virtual_ip_address: Virtual IP Address of the Interface which Connects the Tenant :param integer connected_interface_virtual_ip_vrid: VRID of the Interface which Connects the Tenant :param string interface_type: Interface Type of the Tenant Connection :param string name: Name of the Tenant Connection :param string description: Description of the Tenant Connection :param uuid tenant_id: Tenant ID of the owner :return: results of TenantConnection creation :rtype: :class:`` """ body = dict() connected_interface = dict() connected_interface["id"] = connected_interface_id connected_interface["ip_address"] = connected_interface_ip_address body["connected_interface"] = connected_interface connected_network = dict() connected_network["id"] = connected_network_id connected_network["tenant_id"] = connected_network_tenant_id body["connected_network"] = connected_network body["interface_type"] = interface_type if description: body["description"] = description if name: body["name"] = name if tenant_id: body["tenant_id"] = tenant_id if connected_interface_virtual_ip_address: connected_interface["virtual_ip_address"] = \ connected_interface_virtual_ip_address if connected_interface_virtual_ip_vrid: connected_interface["virtual_ip_properties"] = \ {"protocol": "vrrp", "vrid": connected_interface_virtual_ip_vrid} return self._create(_tenant_connection.TenantConnection, **body)
[docs] def update_tenant_connection(self, tenant_connection, name=None, description=None): """Update a Tenant Connection from attributes :param tenant_connection: The value can be the ID of a tenant_connection or a :class:`` instance. :param string name: Name of TenantConnection to update :param string description: Description of TenantConnection to update :return: results of TenantConnection update :rtype: :class:`` """ body = dict() if name is not None: body["name"] = name if description is not None: body["description"] = description if not isinstance(tenant_connection, _tenant_connection.TenantConnection): tenant_connection = self._get_resource( _tenant_connection.TenantConnection, tenant_connection) tenant_connection._body.clean() return self._update(_tenant_connection.TenantConnection, tenant_connection, **body)
[docs] def delete_tenant_connection(self, tenant_connection): """Delete a Tenant Connection :param tenant_connection: The value can be the ID of a tenant_connection or a :class:`` instance. :return: """ return self._delete(_tenant_connection.TenantConnection, tenant_connection)
[docs] def execute_tenant_connection(self, tenant_connection): if not isinstance(tenant_connection, _tenant_connection.TenantConnection): tenant_connection = self._get_resource( _tenant_connection.TenantConnection, tenant_connection) return tenant_connection.execute(self.session)