# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from ecl.compute import compute_service
from ecl.compute.v2 import metadata as _metadata
from ecl import exceptions
from ecl import resource2
from ecl import utils
[docs]class Server(resource2.Resource, _metadata.MetadataMixin):
resource_key = 'server'
resources_key = 'servers'
base_path = '/servers'
service = compute_service.ComputeService()
# capabilities
allow_create = True
allow_get = True
allow_update = True
allow_delete = True
allow_list = True
_query_mapping = resource2.QueryParameters("image", "flavor", "name",
"status", "host",
#: IPv4 Address
access_ipv4 = resource2.Body('accessIPv4')
accessIPv4 = resource2.Body('accessIPv4')
#: IPv6 Address
access_ipv6 = resource2.Body('accessIPv6')
accessIPv6 = resource2.Body('accessIPv6')
#: A dictionary of addresses this server can be accessed through.
#: The dictionary contains keys such as ``private`` and ``public``,
#: each containing a list of dictionaries for addresses of that type.
#: The addresses are contained in a dictionary with keys ``addr``
#: and ``version``, which is either 4 or 6 depending on the protocol
#: of the IP address. *Type: dict*
addresses = resource2.Body('addresses', type=dict)
#: config drive
config_drive = resource2.Body('config_drive')
#: Timestamp of when the server was created.
created_at = resource2.Body('created')
#: The flavor reference, as a ID or full URL, for the flavor to use for
#: this server.
flavor_id = resource2.Body('flavorRef')
#: The flavor property as returned from server.
flavor = resource2.Body('flavor', type=dict)
#: An ID representing the host of this server.
host_id = resource2.Body('hostId')
#: The image reference, as a ID or full URL, for the image to use for
#: this server.
image_id = resource2.Body('imageRef')
#: The image property as returned from server.
image = resource2.Body('image', type=dict)
#: ID of the server
id = resource2.Body('id')
#: The name of an associated keypair
key_name = resource2.Body('key_name')
#: A list of dictionaries holding links relevant to this server.
links = resource2.Body('links')
#: Metadata stored for this server. *Type: dict*
metadata = resource2.Body('metadata', type=dict)
#: Name of the server
name = resource2.Body('name')
#: A networks object. Required parameter when there are multiple
#: networks defined for the tenant. When you do not specify the
#: networks parameter, the server attaches to the only network
#: created for the current tenant.
networks = resource2.Body('networks', type=dict)
#: The disk configuration. Either AUTO or MANUAL.
disk_config = resource2.Body('OS-DCF:diskConfig')
diskConfig = resource2.Body('OS-DCF:diskConfig')
#: The name of the availability zone this server is a part of.
availability_zone = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone')
#: The power state of this server.
power_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:power_state')
#: The task state of this server.
task_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:task_state')
#: The VM state of this server.
vm_state = resource2.Body('OS-EXT-STS:vm_state')
#: A list of an attached volumes. Each item in the list contains at least
#: an "id" key to identify the specific volumes.
attached_volumes = resource2.Body(
#: The timestamp when the server was launched.
launched_at = resource2.Body('OS-SRV-USG:launched_at')
#: The timestamp when the server was terminated (if it has been).
terminated_at = resource2.Body('OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at')
#: of completion. Once it is completed, it will be 100. *Type: int*
progress = resource2.Body('progress', type=int)
#: A list of applicable security groups. Each group contains keys for
#: description, name, id, and rules.
security_groups = resource2.Body('security_groups')
#: The state this server is in. Valid values include ``ACTIVE``,
status = resource2.Body('status')
#: The ID of the project this server is associated with.
project_id = resource2.Body('tenant_id')
#: Timestamp of when this server was last updated.
updated_at = resource2.Body('updated')
#: The ID of the owners of this server.
user_id = resource2.Body('user_id')
#: The dict of tags of servers
tags = resource2.Body('tags')
#: The file path and contents, text only, to inject into the server at
#: launch. The maximum size of the file path data is 255 bytes.
#: The maximum limit is The number of allowed bytes in the decoded,
#: rather than encoded, data.
personality = resource2.Body('personality')
#: Configuration information or scripts to use upon launch.
#: Must be Base64 encoded.
user_data = resource2.Body('user_data')
#: Enables fine grained control of the block device mapping for an
#: instance. This is typically used for booting servers from volumes.
block_device_mapping = resource2.Body('block_device_mapping', type=dict)
block_device_mapping_v2 = resource2.Body('block_device_mapping_v2', type=dict)
#: admin user's password for this server
admin_pass = resource2.Body('adminPass')
adminPass = resource2.Body('adminPass')
#: The dictionary of data to send to the scheduler.
scheduler_hints = resource2.Body('os:scheduler_hints')
#: Requested minim count of instance
min_count = resource2.Body('min_count')
#: Requested maximum count of instance
max_count = resource2.Body('max_count')
[docs] def create(self, session, prepend_key=True):
"""Create a remote resource based on this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~ecl.session.Session`
:param prepend_key: A boolean indicating whether the resource_key
should be prepended in a resource creation
request. Default to True.
:return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
:raises: :exc:`~ecl.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_create` is not set to ``True``.
request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=False,
az = request.body['server'].get('OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone')
if 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone' in request.body['server']:
del request.body['server']['OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone']
if az is not None:
request.body['server'].update({'availability_zone': az})
response = session.post(request.uri, endpoint_filter=self.service,
json=request.body, headers=request.headers)
return self
def _action(self, session, body):
"""Preform server actions given the message body."""
# NOTE: This is using Server.base_path instead of self.base_path
# as both Server and ServerDetail instances can be acted on, but
# the URL used is sans any additional /detail/ part.
url = utils.urljoin(Server.base_path, self.id, 'action')
headers = {'Accept': ''}
return session.post(
url, endpoint_filter=self.service, json=body, headers=headers)
[docs] def create_image(self, session, name, metadata=None):
"""Create image from server.
:param session
:param name
:param metadata
action = {'name': name}
if metadata is not None:
action['metadata'] = metadata
body = {'createImage': action}
return self._action(session, body)
[docs] def get_console(self, session, vnc_type):
action = {'type': vnc_type}
body = {'os-getVNCConsole': action}
resp = self._action(session, body)
if resp:
console_dict = resp.json()
if console_dict:
return console_dict.get("console")
[docs] def start(self, session):
body = {"os-start": None}
return self._action(session, body)
[docs] def stop(self, session):
body = {"os-stop": None}
return self._action(session, body)
[docs] def resize(self, session, flavor):
"""Resize server to flavor reference."""
body = {
'resize': {
'flavorRef': flavor,
'OS-DCF:diskConfig': 'AUTO'
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def change_password(self, session, new_password):
"""Change the administrator password to the given password."""
body = {'changePassword': {'adminPass': new_password}}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def reboot(self, session, reboot_type):
"""Reboot server where reboot_type might be 'SOFT' or 'HARD'."""
body = {'reboot': {'type': reboot_type}}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def force_delete(self, session):
"""Force delete a server."""
body = {'forceDelete': None}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def rebuild(self, session, name, admin_password,
preserve_ephemeral=False, image=None,
access_ipv4=None, access_ipv6=None,
metadata=None, personality=None):
"""Rebuild the server with the given arguments."""
action = {
'name': name,
'adminPass': admin_password,
'preserve_ephemeral': preserve_ephemeral
if image is not None:
action['imageRef'] = resource2.Resource._get_id(image)
if access_ipv4 is not None:
action['accessIPv4'] = access_ipv4
if access_ipv6 is not None:
action['accessIPv6'] = access_ipv6
if metadata is not None:
action['metadata'] = metadata
if personality is not None:
action['personality'] = personality
body = {'rebuild': action}
response = self._action(session, body)
return self
[docs] def confirm_resize(self, session):
"""Confirm the resize of the server."""
body = {'confirmResize': None}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def revert_resize(self, session):
"""Revert the resize of the server."""
body = {'revertResize': None}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def add_security_group(self, session, security_group):
body = {"addSecurityGroup": {"name": security_group}}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def remove_security_group(self, session, security_group):
body = {"removeSecurityGroup": {"name": security_group}}
self._action(session, body)
[docs] def find(cls, session, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, **params):
"""Find a resource by its name or id.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~ecl.session.Session`
:param name_or_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request. The default is ``None``.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:param dict params: Any additional parameters to be passed into
underlying methods, such as to
in order to pass on URI parameters.
:return: The :class:`Resource` object matching the given name or id
or None if nothing matches.
:raises: :class:`ecl.exceptions.DuplicateResource` if more
than one resource is found for this request.
:raises: :class:`ecl.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` if nothing
is found and ignore_missing is ``False``.
# Try to short-circuit by looking directly for a matching ID.
data = cls.list(session, **params)
result = cls._get_one_match(name_or_id, data)
if result is not None:
return result
if ignore_missing:
return None
raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound(
"No %s found for %s" % (cls.__name__, name_or_id))
[docs]class ServerDetail(Server):
base_path = '/servers/detail'
# capabilities
allow_create = False
allow_get = False
allow_update = False
allow_delete = False
allow_list = True